1. Click on the start menu form your windows computer
2. Just type "iexpress" and press ENTER
3. Follow the screen shot and try it carefully.

4. Package title (Type the title of your package in the following box. This title will apear onall dialog baoxes that the user sees) click next.
5. Confirmation prompt (If you want to confirm that the user wants to install your package, select "Prompt user with" and type the prompt. Otherwise, select "No prompt")
and click next
6. License agreement (If you want to display a License Agreement before following an installation, select Display a License and choose the License file; Otherwise, select Do not display a license) and click next
7. Package files (Create a list of files that you want in your compressed package) and click next
8. Show window (Select how your installation program's window will be displayed.)and click next
9. Fished Message (If you want to display a message to the user after installation is complete, select Display Message and type the message; Otherwise, select, No Message)and click next
10. Package Name and Options (Enter the target path and file name for your package. This is the file that get downloaded and executed by the user and must tick mark the both check boxes ) and click next
11. Click Next
12. For create your package click next.
13. Package created and click finish.
14 To see your package go to your original path of the program
If you feel good or well or not or any problem please Comment me. thank you
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