Copy rapidly into your CD/DVD as removable drive without using any Burning software

Hi, guys the new post from Aspirinebd is too late but today you will know a greatest post only for you. today Aspirinebd will shear you a new and exiting tips for windows computer. so no more talk..........

How to create or make a removable disk or drive or flash drive using a normal disk as DVD/CD

1. At first take new blank DVD/CD disk and insert your disk into CD/DVD RAM DRIVE
2. Open my computer from your desktop icon or start menu.
3. Right Click on the CD/DVD RAM drive and go to the Format option.
4. Click on the Format option. from right clicking menu.
5. Change the allocation unit size to Default
6. Finally click on the Start button.
7. After a while computer may will give you a message, where you will show that " The Format is Complete ".
8. Ok finished now you will enjoy that DVD/CD as like removable disk.

After that you will use it as removable disk.just like a pen drive. Enjoy & Discover you

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