Hackers can install keylogger programs in the victim’s computer. This program can spy on what the user types from the keyboard. If you think that you can just uninstall such programs, you are wrong as they are completely hidden. After installation, the hacker will use a password and hot keys to enable the keylogger. He can then use the hot keys and password to access your key entry details.
A keylogger program is widely available on the internet.some of them are listed below
Win-Spy Monitor
Realtime Spy
SpyAgent Stealth
Spy Anywhere
For more information on keyloggers and it’s usage refer my post Hacking an email account.
Even if direct access to your computer is not possible, hackers can still install a key logger from a remote place and access your computer using Remote Administration Tools (RATs).
Another way of getting your password is the use of fake login pages that look exactly like the real one. So, beware of the web pages you visit. Also if you find your computer behaving oddly, there is a chance that some spy program is running. On such occasions it is better to try and remove the malware or reformat the entire hard disk.A detailed Email Hacking tutorial is discussed in the post Hacking an email account.
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