Task Manager Disable !! ?????

In various cause (like virus, misguide, wrong use and so) the “task manager” go to disabled form. So if you normally open the task manager, the windows so a massage “Task Manager has been disable by your administrator”.

1. Just click on start menu and click on Run
2. Type regedit” and press enter.
3. On the registry editor window click 
4. Click carefully separate Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > System
5. Now in right pane right click on DisableTaskMgr and type its value just 00000000
6. Restart your computer…
There is another solution to solve very quickly just type in a blank text file as below
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Save it as “aspirinebd.reg” and double click on the file and Restart your computer……

You can take help from the sidebar of the site which is provided by Google.
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